NinerNet Communications
PLESK 7.5 RELOADED > Administering Domains

Using Custom Error Documents

To inform Internet users of web server errors and help figure out what caused the problem, web servers generate and display standard HTML pages. Following is a list of error documents with descriptions.

Table 3.2.

400 Bad File RequestUsually means the syntax used in the URL is incorrect (e.g., uppercase letter should be lowercase letter; wrong punctuation marks).
401 UnauthorizedServer is looking for some encryption key from the client and is not getting it. Also, wrong password may have been entered.
403 Forbidden/Access DeniedSimilar to 401; special permission needed to access the site - a password and/or username if it is a registration issue.
404 File Not FoundServer cannot find the requested file. File has either been moved or deleted, or the wrong URL or document name was entered.
408 Request TimeoutClient stopped the request before the server finished retrieving it. Usually occurs when servers are slow or file sizes are large.
500 Internal ErrorCould not retrieve the HTML document because of server-configuration problems.
501 Not ImplementedWeb server does not support a requested feature.
502 Service Temporarily OverloadedServer congestion; too many connections; high traffic.
503 Service UnavailableServer busy, site may have moved, or Internet connection was lost.
Connection Refused by HostUser either does not have permission to access the site or password is incorrect.
File Contains No DataPage is there but is not showing anything. Error occurs in the document. Attributed to bad table formatting, or stripped header information.
Bad File RequestBrowser may not support the form or other coding the user is trying to access.
Failed DNS Lookup The Domain Name Server cannot translate domain request into a valid Internet address. Server may be busy or down, or incorrect URL was entered.
Host UnavailableHost server down.
Unable to Locate HostHost server is down, Internet connection is lost, or URL typed incorrectly.
Network Connection Refused by the ServerThe Web server is busy.

With Plesk 7.5 you can customize only the following error messages:

  • 400 Bad File Request

  • 401 Unauthorized

  • 403 Forbidden/Access denied

  • 404 File Not Fount

  • 500 Internal Server Error

If you would like Plesk web server to show your custom error pages instead of standard ones, follow these steps:

  1. Switch on support for custom error documents through Plesk interface. Go to a specific domain’s administration page, click Setup, and select the Custom Error Documents checkbox.

  2. If you access Plesk remotely, connect to your FTP account on the Plesk server, and go to the error_docs directory. If you access Plesk locally, go to the directory /vhosts/domain_name.tld/error_docs/

  3. Edit or replace the respective files. Be sure to preserve the correct file names:

    • 400 Bad File Request - bad_request.html

    • 401 Unauthorized - unauthorized.html

    • 403 Forbidden/Access denied - forbidden.html

    • 404 File Not Fount - not_found.html

    • 500 Internal Server Error - internal_server_error.html

  4. Once done editing, restart the web server manually, or wait till it is restarted. After that, the web server will start using your error documents.

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